You have anxiety and are going for ways to feel more grounded and less agitated and less on edge.
Unfortunately, anxiety makes you feel like you can’t function at times. Anxiety has become so common in our society that almost everyone says they have anxiety. But for you, it feels like a never-ending battle with yourself. The downside to this includes your anxiety keeping you from doing things you want to do. Your anxiety tells you these messages that are just not true. You have found this prevents you from fully functioning due to your lack of energy.
You are constantly criticizing yourself. If you keep on this path your life is going to be consumed with thoughts of anxiety and worry.
Perhaps for you it plays out in your life like you can never do anything good enough or that you’re weak or are a burden?
The truth is, your anxiety is lying to you.
At times it might have felt like you can’t remember when you were not consumed with anxiety. You can’t recall the last time you gave yourself a compliment for getting through the day with anxiety only to do it all again tomorrow.
Alas, all this does is perpetuate the negative feelings anxiety brings up and how it has affected your life. It is true that anxiety keeps you from doing the things you want to do, but it does not have to.
Keep reading for three ways on how to reduce anxiety through grounding techniques.
Due to anxiety, you feel on edge, agitated, feel like you can’t make progress in your life, surviving life not living life. It makes you doubt yourself, feels like you’re taking one step forward and two steps back. When you feel more grounded you feel you are on solid ground, you wake up and know what you’re going to do that day, and are more task-oriented.
How to Reduce Anxiety Through Grounding Techniques
1. Guided Imagery. This relaxation visualization technique uses positive mental images to influence how you feel.
By doing this in session, you’re able to think of a safe or positive image that brings you happiness and calmness when
When you’re not in session, this visualization can help you when you’re feeling your anxiety is overload or about to be too much. This can help by realizing the control you have over your anxiety and not giving control to your anxiety.
2. 5,4,3,2,1 Exercise. This exercise is about being present in the moment and noticing things around you.
In the session, this helps if a client is processing something patricianly difficult and they may need to do this in order to feel safe and calm when in session.
Doing this grounding technique between sessions can help decrease anxiety felt throughout the day. This is also that can be done relatively quickly and in any situation.
3. Body Scan. A body scan is a great way to reduce anxiety through grounding. It involves quieting the body and examining any parts of your body where you are carrying stress to allow your mind to give your body permission to release the tension.
In the session, this exercise can be done when we session first begins to make the client more relaxed and calmer throughout the session. Alternatively, this can be done towards the end of the session to go about the rest of your day feeling more relaxed and ready to tackle the day.
Engaging in this relaxation technique between sessions allows the client to feel a sense of calm and a reduction in anxiety between sessions.
If you are ready to feel more grounded…click here
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